Thursday, December 23, 2010

Every Girl Wants for Xmas

It's a Wonderful Life ~ 1946

George Bailey: What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That's a pretty good idea. I'll give you the moon, Mary. 
Mary: I'll take it. Then what? 
George Bailey: Well, then you can swallow it, and it'll all dissolve, see... and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair... am I talking too much? 

What a great classic film.  Based in the 1940's, a lot has changed since then.  There is one thing, though, that certainly has not changed a bit, and that is What Every Female, Woman, Lady, Grandmother, Little Girl, wants for Christmas.  

Being in my mid 20's, I have friends that are at many different stages in their lives.  Some are married, some are mothers, or mothers to be.  Then there are some in college or working towards a career goal, some trying to define where their path will end up, and some who know exactly where their path is going to lead.  At all of these different walks of life, though, there is still one thing that every woman needs, and Christmas time is a time of year we yearn for it more than ever:

George told Mary that he would give her the moon... and what he really meant was that he would give her absolutely anything in the universe that would make her happy.  And that is precisely what every girl really wants.  

I know this concept sometimes seems absurd but it really is true.  It really isn't the money spent, the amount of hours the guy spends searching through catalogs, online, scrounging through our closets investigating what shoe size we wear, or begging our friends for ideas for Christmas presents.  It's the bigger picture rather.  It is the fact that you KNEW to do all of that.  The fact that you would have spent your life savings if you knew that ONE thing we really wanted would change our lives forever and make us truly happy.  It's the fact that you would have driven three hours to go to that random little store and purchase that $5 scarf you knew we REALLY wanted.  It's not even the scarf, its the thought. 

Now this may all seem absolutely ridiculous, and I guess in a way it is.  But it's the reassurance that you men we love so much would do these things for us.... that is the real Christmas present, way more than the actual present itself... 

And I think in a way, that brings back the true meaning of Christmas.... Just being there for the ones we love, and knowing the ones we love want to be there for us too, to make our day and truly sweep us off of our feet.  

Maybe things aren't so different from the Good Old Days after all... 

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