Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Friends are like wine (Sometimes)

The past week has been a very enlightening one to me.  It brings the quote to mind that goes something like:

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same."


"Some friends come and go like seasons. Others are arranged in our lives for good reason."

After an amazing trip to LA I reflected upon my journey with new friends and my opportunity to see some old friends while I was out there (to be quite frank, one of my first friends in the whole wide world) and it was really crazy to see the past and present and potential future all collide before my eyes like a spin art project, paint of all colors flying everywhere.

I guess I am one of those people that have a lot of "friends."  That word is relative to whomever is using it of course.  Many of my friends could be considered more of acquaintances I suppose, however,  I feel as if they are a part of my life and I enjoy them being in my life, that is a friend to me.  Nonetheless, no matter how many friends I have any regardless of how old or new they are, people that make me smile day in and day out are the nearest and dearest things to my heart.

So, having lunch with my first friend in the whole wide world was definitely the best gift I have received in a long time, and sharing it with my new friend in my life was even more great.  It really was a magical moment for me.

Returning home, back to reality, I had the opportunity tonight to sit with two other very important people in my life, my roommate and my very good friend my graduate school.  My roommate and I had a chance to catch up which was nice because it seems that no matter how close we are in proximity, our lives are always on different paths and we are constantly striving to get together to actually spend quality time with one another.  So, tonight was really great for that reason.  

Tonight we talked a lot about family.  And the conclusion that I  came to tonight is that family, is an integral part of every person's life.  It can not be ignored no matter how wonderful a support system it is, or no matter how burdensome or hurtful those people may be, it is your family and ultimately inescapable.  Family is a different category from friends.  I wish that every person's family could be as accepting, supportive, and loving as mine is, but at the end of the day, your family will never change and you have to love the relationships for what they are.  Some people get those qualities that I am so fortunate to receive from my family, from other places, and that is okay too. It is just really important to understand that every family dynamic is different, and those relationships are never going to go away so its critical to embrace it for what it is, and identify with it. 

My friend from school and I had an amazing evening together.  I call her my intellectual friend, for the reason that we can sit for hours and talk about nothing, yet at the end of the conversation I feel fulfilled in some way, as if we just debated politics or moral ethics.  We really have a connection unlike I have with many other people, and its always quite refreshing to spend time with her, no matter how much time creeps in between our visits, as she is no longer close in proximity.

So, what I think this week has served up on a silver platter for me to digest is that relationships are all unique.  Some are short lived.  Some are more of a journey, whether it is a good one or bad one depends on the people involved.  Some are more of a quest, often short lived, with a sort of mission to accomplish at the end.  And some, are a sort of  cosmic, magnetic attraction that will never go away, you are stuck with these people for the rest of your life and no matter what you do, they will never leave your side.

Goodnight Friends, Near, Far, Old Young... Love You <3    

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