Monday, November 4, 2013

Drugs of Choice

I recently attended a conference for my professional career.  One of the key note speakers was Mary Faktor, a professional speaker and certified Self-Esteem/Life Balance Facilitator.  She worked with people such as Jack Canfield (author of the Chicken soup for the soul series) among many others.  I have to admit, although her presentation did not relate much to my professional career, it drove home so many principles and important life lessons that I felt I need to share a few of them with my friends and listeners.  (Mary, if you are listening (or, well, reading), I hope I tell your story in the way that you would like, you are an inspiration to all!)

Today is the first.... She calls is Drugs of Choice.

Everyone has a drug of choice that they turn to when a stressful situation arises.  It may be a way to get back at someone, a way to escape a situation, a way to feel better about yourself, or just a way to be numb.  A drug is not necessarily a drug, although that is also very possible.  It can be illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, gambling.  It can also be exercising, shopping, working, internet, video games, sleeping, sex, staying constantly busy.  Really, it can be anything that takes someone away from the matter or problem at hand which they do not want to deal with.

We all have a drug (or multiple) of choice.  So the question is, what is that doing for us?  How is it helping us cope?  Essentially it isn't helping us cope at all.  It is helping us avoid the situation or conflict, whatever it may be.  The drug of choice keeps us busy or numb and therefore we are either unavailable schedule-wise or unavailable emotionally to deal with whatever the matter is.  If we are too busy or too unavailable, nothing will ever move forward.

I invite everyone to take a moment and understand what your drug of choice (or drugs) may be, think about how it affects the challenges in your life, and think about how there may be windows of opportunity to move past that drug or obstacle to conquer those challenges.  I am not asking anyone to eliminate these elements from your life. Some are necessary for sanity or for functionality.  Just understand where they in excess may bring you limitations... Don't get your drugs of choice stand in your way of moving forward.

Mary has a lot of important lessons and there are more to come.... stay tuned!

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